
Sales/Marketing & Customer Service

B2B Sales & Marketing Seminar

26 & 27 JUNE 2019 Limassol The main objective of the training program is to explore the unique features of Business to Business (B2B) customers, in the environment of an increasingly competitive and complicated marketplace. This program was designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of concepts, standards and theories related to the B2B sales and marketing environment. The structure of the program also aims to help participants in building critical and problem solving skills that they are required to address and manage in the real B2B business environment. At the end of the seminar the participants will have a variety of practical tools that will help them to interpret, analyse and practically implement the B2B marketing and sales strategies. The content of the seminar is ideal for Sales Managers, individual Sellers and Vendor Groups engaged in B2B Sales. It can also be very helpful for freelancers - entrepreneurs who would like to add value in...

Organisation & Management of a Pharmaceutical Warehouse

23 & 24 MAY 2019 Limassol   The pharmaceutical warehouses /stores are a key part of the pharmaceutical market as they are the link between pharmaceutical companies (manufacturers / importers) and the pharmacies. The current conditions of intense competition require the implementation of new techniques in Pharmaceutical Logistics, to keep up with the constant technological developments. In addition, frequent changes in their prices have a serious impact on their availability, with the result that proper inventory management is more imperative than ever, and new cost-reducing techniques are being constantly sought for both in storage and throughout the supply chain. The training program enables participants to improve the operations of the Warehouse, effectively manage inventory, equipment, space, staff and customer orders, at the best cost whilst providing a high level of Service. The content of the seminar is ideal for all the people involved in the Pharmaceutical logistics, including purchasing, stores, distribution, sales, quality managers and pharmacists. If you...


We dedicate this week to ‘’water saving’’ due to the World Water Day. We may have enough rain this year, but the availability and sufficiency of water it is still an issue that concerns us and for which we are called to be particularly sensitive. For this reason, we provide 12 simple tips on how to save water in your business and more generally at your workplace, which will reduce your bill but will also highlight your environmental consciousness.   When washing your hands, turn off the water while soaping.   When you manually washing dishes, do not let the water run unnecessarily. Scrape dishes instead of rinsing them before washing them.   Inform the technical department of your company to regularly check the site for leaks, drops and other water consumptions.   Wash the company's vehicles in car washes that recycle water.   When the ice cubes remain from your coffee / drink, do not...

Labour Inspection Campaign in Supermarkets and Wholesalers

The Department of Labour Inspection aims at improving occupational safety and health, by implementing targeted inspection campaigns in different categories of Businesses in Cyprus. February is the month that the Department of Labour Inspection implements unannounced inspections in supermarkets and wholesalers all over Cyprus, in order to verify the implementation of Good Practices regarding the Health & Safety of their Employees and Customers. The purpose of the campaign is to improve the awareness of both the management and the employees, in order to achieve the reduction of accidents, occupational illnesses and hazardous actions related to each companies’ processes. The inspectors will check the compliance of the companies with the legislation through the existence of a risk assessment and the implementation of a risk management system. They will focus on the determination and implementation of measures for the risks arising from dangerous parts of machinery and equipment, sharp items especially in meat cutting...

‘’10’’ Office Ergonomics Tips

Nowadays, most of the people, that work in an office, suffer from nape pains, headaches, backaches etc, due to bad ergonomics. Both employers and employees, you should implement the following ergonomics tips, which they will help you to improve the work environment & your health, increase your productivity and feel less tired at the end of the day. Thus, for a comfortable position make sure that: The back/waist holder is adjustable. Your chair provides good back support. Seat height is adjustable, so feet should touch the floor. In case they do, place a foot rest or lower the chair. There is no pressure inside the legs. There is plenty of room for comfortable seating and positioning. The arms are in almost horizontal position. The height and tilt of the display allow the head to be placed comfortably. The screen’s brightness and contrast are adjusted for clear viewing. The equipment you need...

Tips for a CV Preparation

8 DON’Ts in a CV   Avoid large text and small font Do not write irrelevant and useless work experience for a specific job position Avoid inconsistent formatting Do not use personal pronouns and abbreviations Avoid a photo, unless it is required in the job application. In that case choose a photo that you look serious and adjust the privacy settings of your social media photos, so the recruiters will not have full access. Do not provide a wrong or not professional email address e.g «». Do not use 2 languages in the same CV (for example using English words in a Greek CV) Do not prepare it in an unacceptable storage format   8 DO’ s in a CV   Write clearly your personal information Provide in 3-4 lines your Career Objective Write your Education (master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, high school) starting from the most recent one. Write your work experience as follows:...

Food Safety Tips

10 Good Storage Practices for placing food products in the fridge   Set the temperature of your refrigerator to 2-4 ° Most new technology refrigerators have a thermometer that displays the temperature. Since there is no thermometer, it is advisable to place a thermometer to control the temperature. Make sure the temperature of the refrigerator is set in lower temperatures in summer months. Refrigerated foods such as fresh meat and fish, as they need low temperatures (0-2 ° C) to be maintained they should be placed in the coldest part of the refrigerator on the lower shelf of the fridge. At that point a cross contamination will be prevented. Dairy products, sausages, eggs and ready-to-eat meals should be kept in the middle to the highest shelves where the temperature varies from 4-7°C. We often see the milk in the refrigerator door, which is wrong as the temperature at this point reaches...

Good Practice Awards Competition 2019 – National Awards

The Department of Labour Inspection announced the National Good Practice Awards for 2019. Businesses and organizations can submit their applications to claim the above best practice award by completing the application provided in the Department’s website by 28th of June 2019. The awards will be nominated around October of 2019, at the end of the Health and Safety week at work. The terms of participation are also shown in the Labour Inspection Department’s website. If you are interested to participate on the above competition and you need help on the application’s completion, you can contact us....

Scheme for employment of long-term unemployed people in companies and organisations

7This is an existing scheme which has been renewed. The purpose of the program is to motivate employers to hire and train people, who are unemployed for more than 6 consecutive months (registered in the Public employment Service) and they are under the age of sixty (60). The scheme is applied under the Deminimis and other regulations. In the case where the long-term unemployed holds a higher education diploma (3 years studies), then he / she must be between thirty (30) years old and under the age of sixty (60). The duration of the program’s implementation is four (4) months and is aimed to meet specific needs of the job position for which the unemployed are recruited.   Minimum required salary: €870 gross per month Grant percentage: 80% Maximum grant: €1000 per month This Scheme expires on 31/12/2019.   If you are interested to participate on the above scheme and you need more information about its terms, you...