Scheme for upgrading Traditional restaurants, taverns and shops that sell traditional food products
Σχέδιο Χορηγιών για Αναβάθμιση Παραδοσιακών Χώρων Εστίασης ή Πώλησης Παραδοσιακών Προϊόντων Διατροφής με τη δυνατότητα ένταξής τους στο Σύμφωνο «Taste Cyprus»
The Scheme for upgrading Traditional Restaurants taverns and shops aims to help:
- existing restaurants and taverns, that provide Traditional Cyprus Food
- existing restaurants and taverns within Hotels, that provide Traditional Cyprus Food
- existing or new shops that sell traditional Cyprus Food Products
to improve the quality of food products and services
**Catering Venues are not eligible in the scheme
In order for a company to participate in the specific Funding Scheme, the following criteria are mandatory:
- A valid operation license should be established by the relevant authorities
- The menu should be exclusively based in Cyprus gastronomy
The intensity of the subsidy is:
- 75 % of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in mountainous areas)
- 65 % of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in rural areas)
- 50% of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in all other areas)
Minimum amount of the proposed investment (eligible expenses) is set at €15.000
Maximum amount of fund is set at €200.000 (Deminimis)
Acceptable Expenses:
- Building Improvements Indoor and Outdoor
- Equipment and Furniture for the public areas*
- Special Installations and Systems**
- Expenses for Consultants, Engineers and Designers
- Consumables*
*(not applicable for shops) / **(not applicable for restaurants/ taverns within a Hotel)
For more information you can check our Newsletter or contact one of our expert consultants.
Source: Deputy Ministry of Tourism