Sustainability in Tourism

Grants for Tourism Businesses |up to €5,600 for sustainable tourism businesses offered by CCCI

Grants for Tourism Businesses

As the Deputy Minister of Tourism, has recently stated, “The challenge is for all those  involved in the tourism industry to understand the need to move all together towards a model of  sustainable tourism development, before we are ‘punished‘ by visitors”. Gone are the days when  traveling was all about escaping and enjoyment. Today, a growing number of travelers are  recognizing the impact of their actions on environment and local people, and choose sustainable certified accommodation and tourism experiences

The CCCI, recognizing the urgent need for tourism businesses to transition to sustainable business  practices, announces the launch of the I-STARS Grants Scheme for Tourism Businesses. 

The scheme is addressed to tourism businesses of any sector and the grant amount reaches up to  €5,600 per business.

Applications can only be submitted online (, while the deadline is  25th October 2023, 6pm.  

The Grants Scheme is implemented in Cyprus by the CCCI within the framework of the European  project entitled Island Sustainable Tourism Action through Resilient SMEs (I-STARS). Follow the I STARS project on Facebook & LinkedIn to keep up to date with its activities. 


What can be funded

  • Sustainability certification schemes 
  • Sustainability strategy plans & implementation of measures
  • Purchase of Tools or Software/Technology solutions included in recommendations of sustainability plans/reports 
  • Organization Environmental Footprint studies & implementation of recommendations 
  • Training & capacity building activities in sustainable tourism

Who can apply

  • Micro, Small or Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) Tourism Sector 
  • Operating for at least 2 years in Cyprus


Maximum grant amount per applicant €5,600 

100% funding of eligible expenses 


Why to apply

If you want your tourism business to:

  • stand out from competitors & attract a growing
  • market of conscious travellers
  • minimize its environmental footprint
  • reduce its costs and increase profitability
  • become a pioneer of sustainability change

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Source: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce ad Industry