
Marketing Strategy

18 & 19 November 2019 Limassol The program is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the core of Marketing strategies and the use of best practices by successful businesses. If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Insurance Sales

14 & 15 November 2019 Limassol The insurance sales seminar presents practical ways to help you create an effective insurance sales process, with essential strategies and tactics that are immediately applicable. If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Internal Audit of the Quality Management System (ISO 9001)

05 & 06 November 2019 Limassol The purpose of the training program is to present the way of organizing, planning and implementing Internal Audits by analyzing the methods of performing an audit. At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to organize and conduct Internal Audits in their company  to ensure the company's Quality Management System compliance with ISO 9001: 2015. If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Participation in European Programs

04 & 12 November 2019 Limassol The main purpose of the program is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to take advantage of funding opportunities from the European Programs for the benefit their businesses,their organizations and the wider community. If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Motivation Management

18 & 25 October 2019 Limassol This training program is of high added value, especially for SMEs, as it aims to provide both theoretical and practical guidance for effectively identifying of the needs of both parties (employees and management), through the implementation of an Incentive Motivation Management System. If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Internal Audit of the Information Security Management System

15 & 22 October 2019 Limassol In this training program, the basic principles, techniques and methodologies of internal audit as well as the basic requirements of an Information Security Management System are analysed. Specifically through theoretical and practical examples the participants acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the effective conduct of internal audits of the Information Security Management System (including GDPR Requiremements). If you are interested in the seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Multi-business Training Programs

September - December 2019 We would like to introduce our new Multi-business training programs for the period September to December of 2019.  All our training programs are approved by the Hrd Authority, therefore the participation of each employee is subsidised. All the training programs are provided in the attached schedule. In our website page Multi-business Seminars you can find analytical description of each training program/ seminar so you can be able to decide which is more suitable for your company's and/or employees needs. All our training programs for this semester will be applied in Greek language. Contact our Mindthegap Team for further information!...

Labour Inspection Campaign in Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industries

September 2019 The Department of Labour Inspection aims at improving occupational safety and health, by implementing targeted inspection campaigns in different categories of Businesses in Cyprus. September is the month that the Department of Labour Inspection implements unannounced inspections in Food & Beverage Manufacturing Industries (including butchers, bakeries, patisseries, processing and / or packaging of meat, fish, sausages, biscuits, fruits, vegetables as well as dairies, wineries, breweries, soft drinks, juices and other related establishments), in order to verify the implementation of a Health and Safety Management System. The purpose of the campaign is to improve the awareness of both the management and the employees, in order to achieve the reduction of accidents, occupational illnesses and hazardous actions related to each companies’ processes. The inspectors will check the compliance of the companies with the legislation through the existence of a risk assessment, the implementation of a risk management system and whether the employees are...


5 JUNE 2019   World Environment Day (WED) is on June 5th every year. 5th June 2019 marks the 48th World Environment Day. It is an environmental awareness day, established by the United Nations for more than four decades. The aim of the Day is to raise awareness of the environment and specific environmental issues. Each year a host country is selected as the representative for the theme of the WED. This year’s theme is "Air Pollution". We can't stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe. So, how can we support the cause in this global day? How your organization can enhance its environmental performance? Taking care of the environment is possible from the companies and organizations by implementing the Environmental Standards (ISO 14001, EMAS and others), which can consider of the problems we cause on the natural environment and recommend solutions to small and big-scale...

Global Road Safety Week & ISO 39001

6 -12 of May  ISO 39001: Road Traffic Safety Management System   Road traffic safety (RTS) is a global concern. It is estimated that around 1,3 million people are killed and 20 million to 50 million are injured on roads around the world each year. Despite progress in many countries, road traffic deaths especially in Cyprus unfortunately continue to rise. Taking the above into consideration, the ISO Organisation has published the ISO 39001:2012 International Standard which provides a tool to help organizations reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the incidence and risk of death and serious injury related to road traffic crashes. This focus can result in a more cost-effective use of the road traffic system. This International Standard identifies elements of good RTS management practice that will enable the organization to achieve its desired RTS results. This International Standard is applicable to any public and private organizations that interact with the road traffic system. Experience from around the world...