New Service- Quality Digital Transformation
Quality Digital Transformation We are happy to introduce our new service Quality Digital Transformation, that we are able to provide to our current or new clients. As specialists in Management Systems’ Development, we are able to offer, in collaboration with specialized IT consultants, solutions that will help each company to move to a digital environment. The solutions concern a company’s processes as well as its Management Systems based on any ISO standard (9001, 22000, 45001, 14001, 27001 etc.) and not only. In other words, it can concern the overall organization of a company without necessarily applying a standard or having to be certified. The know-how and experience of Mind The Gap’s consultants in combination with the special knowledge and experience of the IT Consultants lead to the creation / development of the ideal solution for each company. For more information about the Quality Digital Transformation services contact our Mindthegap consultants or have a look in...