ISO 26000– A Social Responsibility Strategy

ISO 26000-2010 is an International standard for a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and provides guidance rather than requirements, on how businesses and organizations can operate in a socially responsible way, which means acting in an ethical and transparent way that contributes to the health and welfare of the society. Additionally, it is designed for all types of organizations regardless of their activity, size or location.

The ISO 26000:2010 standard is not intended or appropriate for certification purposes. 


  • Provides competitive advantage
  • It has a positive impact on the relationship of the company with media, other companies, legal authorities etc
  • Demonstrates compliance with applicable regulatory in HR and H&S issues.
  • Increases the customers trust for the company and therefore their satisfaction
  • Increases the commitment and productivity of employees.
  • Increases employee’s satisfaction and therefore creates a better work environment
  • The relevant documentation (policies, manuals etc) that are developed as a part of the Social Responsibility Strategy, can be a part of an integrated management system (IMS), although it is not a Management System on its own.

Request for ISO Implementation Services

With our expert guidance, we will assist you at every stage of the process, from designing and implementing your QMS to ensuring compliance with ISO 26000 requirements. Our goal is to help you achieve your desired certification while also improving your organization's overall performance.