ISO 45001:2018 certificate | An Occupational Health & Safety Management System

ISO 45001 certificate and preparation by Mind the Gap Cyprus. Iso 45001:2018 (formerly OHSAS 18001), is an International Standard that specifies requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). It gives guidance for its use to enable a company (even one with low-risk daily operations) to improve its performance and to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing injury and unwanted incidents.

ISO 45001 has been established to apply even in small businesses, regardless of size or type. The ISO 45001 standard’s primary goal is to eliminate or minimise any hazards and risks and to successfully manage the emergency situations.


  • ISO 45001 certificate enhances its reputation as a health and safety conscious organization
  • Reduces the risk of accidents and other incidents in the workplace
  • Reduces insurance fees due to risks elimination
  • Improves productivity of the personnel
  • Reduces the potential for absence and turnovers due to accidents and health problems
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements by conducting strict risk assessments
  • Monitors business risks and opportunities related to Health & Safety Issues
  • Enhances customers’ and collaborators’ satisfaction
  • ISO 45001:2018 standard has a simplified structure that gives the opportunity for an integrated management system (IMS), in combination with other standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001 etc.

Request for ISO Implementation Services

Do you want to develop your own Occupational Health and Safety Management System or to upgrade your current system according to the ISO 45001 standard; Contact us to learn more about this change! Our experienced and qualified consultants (approved by Labor Inspection Department of Cyprus -ΕΞΥΠΠ) will help you at each stage of the process in order to achieve the desired ISO 45001 certification