Financial Advance Cysec

Financial Services Regulatory Framework: CySEC Advanced Level

Financial Services Regulatory Framework: CySEC Advanced Level CySEC Exam Preparation Program Webinar 06, 13, 20, 27 November  & 04 December 2021 This seminar aims to prepare each candidate for the Basic and Advanced Level Exam of Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). By attending this seminar you can either decide to step into the Advanced level Exam or applying to the Basic Level first, since there is no requirement to pass the Basic Exam before passing the Advanced Exam. This course involves a series of lectures together with training tests and revision activities. Who is this course for? Those who wants to hold positions in all investment services functions in Cypriot Investment Firms Those who want to perform the investment services of reception and transmission of orders and execution of orders within a Cypriot Investment Firm. people who work or planned to work in a UCITS Management Company or a VCIC that manages UCITS people who...

Anti-money Laundering

Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Compliance (AML)

Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crime Compliance (AML) Webinar 09, 11, 16, 18 November 2021 This seminar presents, analyzes and interprets the current legal framework for the prevention of money laundering and focuses on the obligations and responsibilities of legal entities and their employees regarding the measures they must apply for the collection of information and the exercise of supervision. The ultimate aim of the training program is to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals working in accounting, law and other related field, on issues related to the Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Compliance, in order to be able to implement the appropriate legislation that is now mandatory by European directive and state law.   Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the Certificate of Attendance they will receive at the end of the Training Program, they are also getting prepared for the CySec exams, which are organized by an approved examination center. If you are interested in...

Certified DPO

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification Webinar 09, 10, 11, 16, 17 November 2021 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), significantly increases the obligations of companies for the protection of personal data of both their customers and their employees. Various organisations depending on their nature or their activity, they are obliged to designate a DPO. In this context, companies should be aware of the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), and / or maintain an inhouse DPO position or cooperate with an external provider.  The purpose of our training program is to support these people (DPOs) by providing practical examples in the methods of control / supervision / monitoring of the measures that have been determined; and to provide them with the relevant knowledge to implement successfully inspections, so that the organisation will not be exposed to an incident, or even how to manage this incident.  Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the...

GDPR Compliance

GDPR Compliance in Cyprus Companies

GDPR – Requirements for Compliance in Cyprus Companies Webinar 19 October & 01, 08, 24 November 2021   The Office of  the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, has already started random inspections in Cyprus Organisations, in order to identify their compliance level with the General  Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) -(ΕU 2016/679).  Many of the Cyprus Organisations still seem to be ”unready” for such an inspection. Our company, has organised this training program in order to help the organisations to understand the methodology they need to apply in order to be fully compliant with the GDPR.  The training program will be presented by a specialist in GDPR, who developed several GDPR compliance Management Systems in Cyprus and Greek Organisations. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about the current legal framework for the protection of personal data (GDPR), which is applicable in European Union level. Additionally, the participants will receive the right tools,...

Certified Executive Personal Assistant

Certified Executive’s Personal Assistant

Certified Executive's Personal Assistant through effective Secretarial Support and Office Administration 19, 20, 21 October & 02, 03, 04 November 2021 Webinar The position of executive's personal assistant is one of the most interesting and responsible positions in the management team of a company. This person is required to provide a high level of administrative support to the management.  The purpose of the training program is to provide individuals with the resources to effectively manage  issues related to the proper organization and operation of each modern office. Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the Certificate of Attendance they will receive at the end of the Training Program, they have the opportunity, if they wish, to attend the exams obtaining for the title of “Certified Personal Assistant”. The examination process is organized by ACTA Cyprus, a branch of the ACTA Certification Body in Cyprus; and the Certificate of Professional Qualifications that will be received by those who...

Warehouse Management Certified Executive

Warehouse Management Certified Executive Webinar 22, 24, 26, 30 November & 02 December 2021 The specific training program is developed for individuals that want to improve their skills in the warehouse management processes. It provides the way the products and materials should be correctly managed, from the point of origin to the final consumer (point of consumption). This includes among others, the procedures of  purchasing, receiving, storage, picking and delivery. It also provides information about cost management and efficiency in the warehouse.  The ultimate goal of the program is the familiarization of the participants with the principles of modern and rational warehouse management, while a the techniques for their implementation are presented.  The training program is ideal for experienced or new warehouse executives or individuals that are interested in the field of warehouse management and logistics.  Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the Certificate of Attendance they will receive at the end of the Training Program, they...

Leadership & Management

Leadership & Management

Development of Leadership & Management Skills 13 & 14 April 2021 Webinar The biggest challenge in Leadership is to be able to use all the abilities of your employees in order to achieve in the maximum level both the company's and the personal goals of each employee.  Through this program the participants will acquire all those knowledge, tools and skills, which will help them to effectively lead their team and therefore this team to perform to the maximum level. The ultimate goal of the seminar is to inspire participants to leave behind old school mentalities and begin to face specific problems in a different way by involving the team. If you are interested in developing Leadership & Management Skills, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form  ...

DPO - Data Protection Officer

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification Webinar 07, 08, 09, 13, 14 April 2021 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), significantly increases the obligations of companies for the protection of personal data of both their customers and their employees. Various organisations depending on their nature or their activity, they are obliged to designate a DPO. In this context, companies should be aware of the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), and / or maintain an inhouse DPO position or cooperate with an external provider.  The purpose of our training program is to support these people (DPOs) by providing practical examples in the methods of control / supervision / monitoring of the measures that have been determined; and to provide them with the relevant knowledge to implement successfully inspections, so that the organisation will not be exposed to an incident, or even how to manage this incident.  Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the Certificate of...

GDPR Compliance

GDPR Compliance in Cyprus Companies

GDPR - Requirements for Compliance in Cyprus Companies Webinar 16, 17, 22, 23 March 2021   The Office of  the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, has already started random inspections in Cyprus Organisations, in order to identify their compliance level with the General  Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) -(ΕU 2016/679).  Many of the Cyprus Organisations still seem to be ''unready'' for such an inspection. Our company, has organised this training program in order to help the organisations to understand the methodology they need to apply in order to be fully compliant with the GDPR.  The training program will be presented by a specialist in GDPR, who developed several GDPR compliance Management Systems in Cyprus and Greek Organisations. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about the current legal framework for the protection of personal data (GDPR), which is applicable in European Union level. Additionally, the participants will receive the right tools, which...

KPI's and a Performance

KPI’s and a Performance Measurement System

Determination of KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) and of a Performance Measurement System Webinar 17 & 19 Μαρτίου The purpose of the training program is to help participants to: acquire knowledge related to KPI's and Performance Measurement Systems in companies, develop skills in designing business-friendly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and supportive procedures to adopt such a Performance Measurement System in their business By analyzing the results of  this Performance Measurement System, participants will be able to achieve the continuous improvement of their company and the achievement of business objectives. If you are interested in the KPI's seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...