CISO- Chief Information Security Officer – 15 & 17 November 2023

CISO- Chief Information Security Officer Webinar 15 & 17 November 2023 The CISO - Chief Information Security Officer has a key role in a company, for the protection of the systems against cyber threats. The intensity of the need for effective training of Chief Information Security Officers has increased recently. For organizations that aim to be certified with ISO 27001, the existence of a CISO is mandatory.  The specific seminars are designed to provide special knowledge, skills, and expertise to those employees that will have the role of CISO in their company.  If you are interested in the specific seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

Quality Assurance Coordinator/ Manager -08 November 2023

Quality Assurance Coordinator/ Manager Limassol 08, 09, 15 November 2023 Part A: Practical Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 standard Part Β: Establishment of Key Performance Indicators (KPI'S) Quality Management Systems based on the International Standard ISO 9001:2015, require a Quality Assurance Coordinator/ Manager who will be responsible for the effective implementation of the QMS. As the tasks of the position cannot be studied, there is extend need for those people to be trained on a practical level.  The purpose of our training program is to support these individuals by providing practical examples of the methods of development, control, supervision, monitoring and improvement of the Management System of an organization based on the ISO 9001 standard. In addition, the necessary training is provided so that the Quality Manager can monitor the performance of the Management System and KPI's are defined per critical process. If you are interested in the specific seminar, contact us Description of the seminar Application Form ...

GDPR Compliance

GDPR-Compliance in Cyprus Companies – 23 October 2023

GDPR – Requirements for Compliance in Cyprus Companies Webinar 23, 25, 30 October & 01 November The Office of  the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, has already started random inspections in Cyprus Organisations, in order to identify their compliance level with the General  Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) -(ΕU 2016/679).Many of the Cyprus Organisations still seem to be ”unready” for such an inspection. Our company, has organised this training program in order to help the organisations to understand the methodology they need to apply in order to be fully compliant with the GDPR. The training program will be presented by a specialist in GDPR, who developed several GDPR compliance Management Systems in Cyprus and Greek Organisations. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about the current legal framework for the protection of personal data (GDPR), which is applicable in European Union level. Additionally, the participants will receive the right tools, which will...

Data Protection Officer

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification – 17 November 2023

DPO – Data Protection Officer Training & Certification Webinar 17/11/2023  29/11/2023  8/12/2023  12/12/2023  18/12/2023  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), significantly increases the obligations of companies for the protection of personal data of both their customers and their employees. Various organizations depending on their nature or their activity, they are obliged to designate a DPO. In this context, companies should be aware of the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), and / or maintain an inhouse DPO position or cooperate with an external provider.  The purpose of our training program is to support these people (DPOs) by providing practical examples in the methods of control / supervision / monitoring of the measures that have been determined; and to provide them with the relevant knowledge to implement successfully inspections, so that the organization will not be exposed to an incident, or even how to manage this incident.  Opportunity for Certification Participants, in addition to the...

Innovative risk management- NIST

Innovative Risk Management with Enriched NIST Methodology – 20 & 23 November 2023

Ιnnovative Risk Management with enriched NIST Methodology Limassol 20 & 23 November 2023 Risk Management includes the formulation of the risks faced by a company, their analysis, their classification with rational criteria, the recording of the probability that the risks will occur, the analysis of the impact that will occur (in terms of customers, partners, staff, Institutional Frame, Reputation, etc.). This will lead the company to investigate precautionary measures to reduce either the likelihood or the consequences and risk management plans with a higher than an acceptable numerical limit. At the same time, it will assist the Company in the selection of countermeasures, which are compatible with the value of the resources they will protect, as well as in the prioritization of the implementation of these countermeasures. The specific Training for Innovative Risk Management with enriched NIST Methodology is Ideal for: Business managers Managers with responsibilities in decision making related to the management of organizational or technological...

Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity Awareness -14 & 16 November 2023

Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar 14 & 16 November 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness of employees should be one of the major priorities of the companies as attacks are undoubtedly one of the fastest growing forms of crime worldwide. In today's digital world, the need for employees to understand cyber risks has become increasingly important. In the EU cyber security act, this is defined as "the activities required to protect network and information systems, the users of those systems and other persons affected by cyber threats.   If you are interested in the Cybersecurity seminar, contact us Description of the training program Application Form ...

Food Waste Management System

Food Waste Management System -18 October 2023

Food Waste Management System Webinar 18 October  2023 The need to manage food waste though a Food Waste Management System, is more relevant than ever in the context of sustainability. Just consider that according to current researches almost 8.9% of the world's population is hungry. Food waste also means that all the natural resources used to grow, process, package, transport and market food are lost. In addition, the food industry produces around 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions, emitting around 3.3 GT per year, which, if it was a country, would make it the third largest emitting country in the world. Therefore, we all have a specific role on the Food Waste and this training will provide the means to reduce it through a successful Food Waste Management System.  If you are interested in the Food Waste Management seminar, contact us Description of the training program Application Form ...

Training of the Internal Protection and Prevention Services Team (ΕΣΥΠΠ)

Training of the Internal Protection and Prevention Services Team (ΕΣΥΠΠ)- 20 September 2023

Training of the Internal Protection and Prevention Services Team (ΕΣΥΠΠ) Webinar: 20/09, 27/09, 04/10, 11/10, 18/10, 25/10 2023 On 2nd of April of 2021, the House of Representatives approved the New Directives  158/2021 regarding the Occupational Health & Safety committees which need to be applied by all the organizations that are activated in Cyprus. The directives require each company to establish a committee which will be consisted by well trained staff members who will be responsible to identify, prevent, monitor and manage risks and incidents in the workplace.  More specifically, the mandatory training of the committee members (called ΕΣΥΠΠ -Internal Services for Prevention and Protection) will help in the: Compliance with Legal Requirements Ensuring of high levels of safety Reduction of accidents and occupational diseases  Improving efficiency Maintaining a good position of the company in the industry and gaining a competitive advantage If you are interested in the specific training program please do nit...

Carbon Foot Print Calculation

Carbon Foot Print Calculation – 04 October 2023

Carbon Foot Print Calculation Webinar 04 October 2023 The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol on Environment and Climate Change has led the countries of the developed world to take action to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, there is an increasing need to measure the carbon footprint of products and services. Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to quantify the emissions in their business using calculation methods which can be analyzed in order to achieve the required improvement for the prevention of the climate change.   If you are interested in the Carbon Foot print seminar, contact us Description of the training program Application Form ...

Sustainable Tourism Development - Criteria for Certification

Sustainable Tourism Development -Criteria for Certification – 14 & 15 November 2023

Sustainable Tourism Development - Criteria for Certification Part A (theoretical): 28 & 29 November 2023 Part B (practical): will be specified with each participant accordingly and it will take place at each company's facilities The new trends for the upcoming years in tourism, according to recent studies, will be: An ever-increasing trend for individual trips - Search and development of alternative forms of tourism - Decreasing average age of tourists - Prioritizing health, safety but also environmental factors for the choice of a destination. The economic and energy crisis, the inflationary pressures affecting all of Europe, war and geopolitical instability impose a different perspective on tourism. Sustainable tourism development is the great challenge of our time. The overall objective of this training program is to provide tourism executives with the necessary knowledge and tools to: 1.become familiar with, assimilate and utilize the criteria and indicators of sustainability tourism, so that they are encouraged to plan and...