The legislation referred to Occupational Health & Safety requires all businesses, regardless size and type, to establish a Risk Assessment and an Action Plan in order to identify, control, monitor and prevent the risks occur at work environment.
Additionally, a Health & Safety representative and a team must be established, which will be responsible to manage and report incidents and crisis events. However, for the personnel to be able to cope in an incident or a crisis situation, it must be appropriately trained for Health & Safety Issues. All the preceding requirements can be collected in a simple Occupational Health & Safety System which aims the elimination of accidents and incidents at work environment and as well as the compliance of the company with the legal requirements.


  • Ensures the health & safety of the employees
  • Reduces costs of damages related to H&S Issues
  • Eliminates the possibilities of fines
  • Enhances employee’s commitment for health & safety issues and readiness in crisis events
  • Demonstrates compliance with the health & safety regulations and the requirements of the Labor Inspection Department of Cyprus
  • Reduces risks and prevents accidents and incidents
  • It can be a part of an integrated management system (IMS), in combination with other standards such as the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 etc.
iso 26000

Request for ISO Implementation Services

With our expert guidance, we will assist you at every stage of the process, from designing and implementing your QMS to ensuring compliance with ISO 26000 requirements. Our goal is to help you achieve your desired certification while also improving your organization's overall performance.