November 2020- Webinar ”Digital Marketing Performance Analysis”

Autumn Training Program 2020

03, 10, 17 & 24 November


Title: Practices and Tools for Digital Marketing Performance Analysis, Gap Identification and Improvement Actions

Digital Marketing is an integral part of Business Strategic Planning as it allows penetration into different channels and markets. On the one hand, big organisations all over the world, spend a lot of money promoting their products or services online. On the other hand, small companies that do not have the capital to invest on big advertisements and promotions, they try to do have a decent presence online. But have you ever wondered: 

  • Which are the fields of the ”Digital Marketing”
  • How it can work for Small Companies 
  • What’s efficient and what’s not
  • What are the intended results
  • How the results can be measured and improved

In the light of the above concerns, the small business owners and executives need to be trained on how to measure, analyze and evaluate the result they “pay” to have an online presence.

The purpose of the program is to present to the participants the possible problems related to the inefficient digital promotion of their business, to provide them with simple and functional tools that they can use (regardless of the level of digital knowledge) to identify these gaps and guide them on how to choose the most appropriate improvement measures, utilizing among others the tool of digital artificial intelligence. 


If you are interested in the seminar, contact us