Global Road Safety Week & ISO 39001
6 -12 of May
ISO 39001: Road Traffic Safety Management System
Road traffic safety (RTS) is a global concern. It is estimated that around 1,3 million people are killed and 20 million to 50 million are injured on roads around the world each year.
Despite progress in many countries, road traffic deaths especially in Cyprus unfortunately continue to rise.
Taking the above into consideration, the ISO Organisation has published the ISO 39001:2012 International Standard which provides a tool to help organizations reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the incidence and risk of death and serious injury related to road traffic crashes.
This focus can result in a more cost-effective use of the road traffic system.
This International Standard identifies elements of good RTS management practice that will enable the organization to achieve its desired RTS results.
This International Standard is applicable to any public and private organizations that interact with the road traffic system.
Experience from around the world has shown that large reductions in death and serious injury can be achieved through the adoption of a holistic Safe System approach to RTS.
The RTS management system can be integrated into, or made compatible with, other management systems.
Contact us for the development of your RTS Management System. Our experienced and qualified consultants will help you at each stage of the process in order to achieve the ISO 39001 certification.
Source: WHO, ISO
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