GDPR Compliance Cyprus

GDPR Compliance is an issue that concerns all private and public enterprises inside and outside the European Union, that in any way collect, process and manage personal data related to European Citizens. 

All the prementioned private and public organizations are required, according to the new General Regulation (EU) 2016/679, to analyze the risks arising from their activities that may have an impact on the protection of such personal data. In addition, they are required to define prevention measures and to develop procedures and policies that will demonstrate that all the requirements of the Regulation are met.
The size of the expected fines (up to € 20 million or 4% of world turnover) should place in a very high level of the top management’s agenda the development of a Personal Data Management System, in order to meet all the requirements of the Regulation without any omissions.

On this basis, GDPR compliance encourages, not forces, the implementation of Management Systems such as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, which set the right structure for commitment, responsibility, monitoring, control, verification and continuous improvement of the taken measures.


  • GDPR compliance ensures data protection
  • Reduces the cost of wrong data management
  • Eliminates the possibilities of a huge fine
  • Enhances the management and employee’s commitment.
  • Ensures data protection
  • Reduces the cost of wrong data management
  • Eliminates the possibilities of a huge fine
  • Enhances the management and employee’s commitment.
  • GDPR Compliance can be applied through Integrated Management Systems like ISO 9001, ISO 27001 etc. 
GDPR Compliance

Request for GDPR Compliance Services

Contact us as soon as possible, for your company’s GDPR compliance, as the financial risk is huge. Our experienced and qualified consultants will help you at each stage of the process in order to achieve the compliance with the GDPR.