FSSC 22000 certification and preparation by Mind The Gap Cyprus. GFSI Standards like FSSC 22000 are Global Standards, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), that provide guidelines for a Food Safety and Quality Management System.
The FSSC 22000 certification Scheme for Food Safety Management provides a framework for the effective management of an organization’s food safety responsibilities and is based on the existing ISO Standards. More specifically, the Scheme consists of three components: ISO 22000 sectors, specific PRPs and specific FSSC 22000 requirements. In order for the standard to meet the requirements for quality as well, an ISO 9001:2015 module has been added to the existing FSSC 22000 standard, the FSCC 22000-Q, making it in this way possible for an organization to get certified with both FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 standards.
The organizations that choose to implement and get certified with the FSSC 22000 standard instead of ISO 22000 are those who want or are requested by their customers to be Globally Recognized with one of the GFSI Standards.