BRC certification – Food Safety Global Standard

BRC certification and preparation by Mind The Gap Cyprus. GFSI Standards like BRC are Global Standards, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), that provide guidelines for a Food Safety and Quality Management System.

The BRC – Food Safety Global Standard provides a framework to manage product safety, quality, integrity and legality and the operational controls for these criteria in the food manufacturing and packing industry.
BRC-Issue 9 is the current version of the food safety standard and it can be applied by any organization in the food chain that wants to have a Global Recognition and cooperates with the UK food retailers.


  • Global Recognition
  • Achievable and Cost Effective
  • Protects your brand and consumer
  • First Standards to define food fraud
  • Offers a food safety culture assessment
  • Reduces waste, complaints, recalls and rejected products
  • Monitors of compliance with food regulations
  • BRC certification provides excellence in quality, food safety and customer satisfaction
  • Seeks a competitive advantage in their market place
  • Ensures consistency and integrity of the final products
  • They can be integrated with all ISO and GFSI Standards (ISO 9001, ISO 22000 etc)

Request for FSMS Implementation Services

With our expert guidance, we will assist you at every stage of the process, from designing and implementing your FSMS to ensuring compliance with GFSI standards requirements. Our goal is to help you achieve your desired certification while also improving your organization's overall performance.