Σχέδιο Χορηγιών για Αναβάθμιση Παραδοσιακών Χώρων Εστίασης ή Πώλησης Παραδοσιακών Προϊόντων Διατροφής με τη δυνατότητα ένταξής τους στο Σύμφωνο «Taste Cyprus»

Scheme for upgrading Traditional restaurants, taverns and shops that sell traditional food products

Σχέδιο Χορηγιών για Αναβάθμιση Παραδοσιακών Χώρων Εστίασης ή Πώλησης Παραδοσιακών Προϊόντων Διατροφής με τη δυνατότητα ένταξής τους στο Σύμφωνο «Taste Cyprus»


The Scheme for upgrading Traditional Restaurants taverns and shops aims to help:

  • existing restaurants and taverns, that provide Traditional Cyprus Food 
  • existing restaurants and taverns within Hotels, that provide Traditional Cyprus Food 
  • existing or new shops that sell traditional Cyprus Food Products

to improve the quality of food products and services

**Catering Venues are not eligible in the scheme


In order for a company to participate in the specific Funding Scheme, the following criteria are mandatory: 

  • A valid operation license should be established by the relevant authorities
  • The menu should be exclusively based in Cyprus gastronomy


The intensity of the subsidy is:

  • 75 % of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in mountainous areas)
  • 65 % of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in rural areas)
  • 50% of acceptable expenses (for businesses located in all other areas)


Minimum amount of the proposed investment (eligible expenses) is set at €15.000

Maximum amount of fund is set at €200.000 (Deminimis)


Acceptable Expenses:

  • Building Improvements Indoor and Outdoor
  • Equipment and Furniture for the public areas*
  • Special Installations and Systems**
  • Expenses for Consultants, Engineers and Designers
  • Consumables*                                                                     

*(not applicable for shops)   /  **(not applicable for restaurants/ taverns within a Hotel)


For more information you can check our Newsletter or contact one of our expert consultants. 


Source: Deputy Ministry of Tourism