March 23, 2019
We dedicate this week to ‘’water saving’’ due to the World Water Day. We may have enough rain this year, but the availability and sufficiency of water it is still an issue that concerns us and for which we are called to be particularly sensitive.
For this reason, we provide 12 simple tips on how to save water in your business and more generally at your workplace, which will reduce your bill but will also highlight your environmental consciousness.
- When washing your hands, turn off the water while soaping.
- When you manually washing dishes, do not let the water run unnecessarily. Scrape dishes instead of rinsing them before washing them.
- Inform the technical department of your company to regularly check the site for leaks, drops and other water consumptions.
- Wash the company’s vehicles in car washes that recycle water.
- When the ice cubes remain from your coffee / drink, do not throw them away. Empty them into a plant.
- Put the decorative fountains on the timers and use them only during your work. If you have automatic replenishment devices, check for leaks.
- Close the water supply in unused areas of your site to eliminate waste from leaks or uncontrolled use.
- If you use treated water in your business, investigate the recycling of water.
- If you are a company that hosts people, inform the cleaning/housekeeping department to check regularly for forgotten open faucets by customers, visitors, etc.
- Ask all employees for ‘’water saving’’ ideas and give awards for the best ideas. Encourage it!
- Apply a water management system to your company, then train your employees about the good practices they need to adopt in water using, through newsletters and posters.
- And a marketing tip ?. Publish your organisation’s monthly water consumption to provide the progress towards the water saving targets that are yearly established.
Surely the implementation of an Environmental Management System (ISO 14001, EMAS) would help both for the sufficient water saving and the implementation of all the above.
By Chryso Chatzinikola
Environmental Scientist
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